Thursday, March 8, 2018

Little paper on the evolution of Photosystem I and oxygenic photosynthesis is out now

A short update. The little manuscript detailing the evolution of Photosystem I and the implications for the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis is now available in the open access journal Heliyon, have a look:

A press release accompanied the paper. Have a look too if interested:

The main conclusion of the paper is that the duplication event that allowed Photosystem I to become a heterodimer occurred long before the most recent common ancestor of cyanobacteria. It is has been hypothesized that the reason why Photosystem I is a heterodimer in oxygenic photosynthesis has to do with oxygen and avoiding reactive oxygen species. So, if the duplication occurred after the evolution of water oxidation to oxygen it would imply that the earliest stages in the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis appear much early than currently accepted.

The funny thing is that according to my plans, I was hoping for the Photosystem II version of the manuscript to be published first, link below. I have had to experience however everything that is horrible and beautiful about peer-review, and everything in between, in the process. The manuscript is still there fighting its way to freedom:

If you like the paper show your support by sharing the preprint or leaving a comment!

Cyanobacteria doing photosynthesis