Monday, July 3, 2017

Talented is not enough. The case of the British Tier 1 Exceptional Talent visa.

Applying for research funding and writing research proposals are a key part of being a scientist. However, to be successful at it, you need to demonstrate that your research and your accomplishments are at the top. Given the fact that funding and opportunities are a very limited resource, it becomes a very competitive process in such a way that you are demanded to be beyond excellent and to demonstrate and justify why you are the best scientist that ever lived.

For example, in 2015 I was preparing an application for a research fellowship here in the UK. I contacted one awardee of the same fellowship working at Imperial for advice, this is what she said:

"I am not around at the moment, but I can give you some advice. You have to prove that you are the best in the world in your field."

The meaning of this is that at some point you will have to demonstrate that you are better than excellent. You will have to make a case that your work and your talents are exceptional, that you have what it takes to be the world’s best.

Think about this for a moment. How often on your everyday life do you find yourself explaining others why you are, among the talented, exceptional? In particular, when you are a scientists and are confronted with failure very frequently, because most experimental work rarely goes perfectly on the very first trial. 

How can a reasonable person with a descent amount of humility and honesty, even consider themselves as exceptional among talents?

My levels of modesty were put to the ultimate test over a year ago, when I was planning to submit an application for a British residence permit, the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa. To obtain this type of visa I had first to receive an endorsement by the Royal Society, and to obtain the endorsement I had to submit an application to the Royal Society making a case for my exceptionality among the talented.

The key thing about it is that the Home Office advises the Royal Society and the other bodies in charge of giving the endorsement, that talented is not enough, that excellent is not enough. In the arts you have to have an Academy Award or a Grammy to apply for this visa. In the sciences you need to have a Research Fellowship that can be considered "very prestigious".

I must say that it was not an easy thing. It feels like you have to be an egomaniac to truly believe yourself so exceptional. I was never at the top of my class at school or university. My PhD work was good and I got publications from it, but nothing out of this world, I still don’t even have a Nature or Science paper! And let me tell you about all the times I have had a research proposal rejected or a fellowship application not granted. Let me tell you about that time when my paper did not even make it to peer-review after submission.

Luckily, I turned out to be exceptionally talented ;) so I got the endorsement by the Royal Society at the end together with a recommendation for a Nobel Prize.

I want to share with you my personal statement for the Royal Society endorsement application: if you’re planning to submit an application for a Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa, and you don’t know how to approach the personal statement, this may serve as inspiration and give you some ideas. Notice, for example, the bits where I equal my research and my discoveries to the detection of gravitational waves and the discovery of the Higgs boson :) haha!

Personal Statement
With this statement I wish to demonstrate that my talent and promise is exceptional. I also wish to illustrate my progress on the path of becoming a world leader in my field. In this way, I hope to convince you that my potential contribution to the UK’s research excellence and to a wider society is at a scale that merits endorsement by the Royal Society.

Firstly, my talent was recently recognised by being awarded the Imperial College London Junior Research Fellowship. This prestigious fellowship is given to “the brightest and best early career researchers from across the world”, it was peer-reviewed by a panel of eminent scientists which included Professor Maggie Dallman, OBE and Associate Provost at Imperial; Professor James Durrant, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry; and Professor Murray Selkirk, Head of the Department of Life Sciences. Prior to my arrival in the UK, I also held the prestigious Eurotalents Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by the French Commission for Atomic and Alternative Energies and the FP7 Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie programme, which was also peer-reviewed and targeted to exceptional talents. More importantly, at every stage of my career I have produced science of the highest calibre and my latest research has the potential to become a landmark in the field of molecular evolution which has the potential to revolutionise the way we understand the evolution of life on Earth. Although it might seem counterintuitive, my actual research in molecular evolution has tremendous technological implications, as I will show below. Obtaining a Tier 1 exceptional promise visa would allow me to realise this potential in, and on behalf of, the UK.

Secondly, for the past four years I have devoted my research efforts to solving and reconstructing the origin and evolution of photosynthesis. This is one of the greatest mysteries in the history of life; an evolutionary black box due to its complexity and antiquity. I believe that knowing the origin and evolution of photosynthesis is fundamental to understanding the nature of life on Earth, as fundamental as detecting Gravitational Waves or measuring the Higgs Boson was to understanding the nature of the universe. This is because without photosynthesis life could have not blossomed and endured on the planet for billions of years, because without photosynthesis complex life is not possible today, and because photosynthesis holds answers as to how we can approach some of today’s greatest global challenges in food security, renewable energies, and carbon sequestration. Although, I might not need a multibillion pound machine to successfully apply my current research, I believe the intellectual challenge and the analytical and deductive qualities required in my field of work are of the same level to those required at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory or the Large Hadron Collider experiments, just to name some specific examples.

Central to photosynthesis is the conversion of light into chemical energy. In this process, the energy of light is used to decompose water molecules into electrons, protons, and oxygen. The electrons and protons are used to fix carbon into sugars and to power metabolism, while the oxygen is released as waste. This chemical reaction has sustained life on earth for at least 2.5 billion years and the oxygen released changed the course of evolution and transformed the planet. It allowed complex life forms such as animals and plants to conquer the land and the oceans. It is responsible for the ozone layer and the fuels we have used to power our society. The decomposition of water is catalysed by one of the most spectacular enzymes known to science, Photosystem II. The reaction occurs within Photosystem II at a unique metal cluster named the Water Oxidising Complex. How Photosystem II and its Water Oxidising Complex originated had remained the stuff of speculation for decades and it was thought that perhaps this was impossible to resolve. By combining a structural biology approach and the known biochemical and biophysical properties of Photosystem II, with state-of-the-art evolutionary analysis, I was able to reconstruct at unprecedented level of detail the molecular events that led to the origin and evolution of water oxidation in Photosystem II. This is, by far, the most detailed evolutionary reconstruction of the emergence of any chemical reaction in biology backed by data. I published this work in Molecular Biology and Evolution, in early 2015. Since then, my work has been featured extensively in the news across the world and in multiple languages, and has been picked up across social media from Twitter to YouTube. Of particular note is an article by Pulitzer Award-winning author Natalie Angier, which featured my science in the printed and online version of the New York Times. See more details on my CV.

Today the study of photosynthesis is more relevant and urgent than ever before. This is because it not only sustains life on Earth, but, as I mentioned above, it is at the heart of many solutions to current global problems. For example, scientists worldwide are trying to improve photosynthesis to enhance crop productivity and thus feed a population heading inexorably towards 9 billion. At the same time, researchers are looking for ways to engineer photosynthetic organisms to produce clean energy alternatives to fossil fuels or high-value products, like plastics or pharmaceuticals. Intensive research is also carried out to develop synthetic compounds that mimic natural photosynthesis to generate fuels directly from sunlight and water, or to sequester carbon as a promising strategy to combat climate change. These approaches are not without challenges, and breakthroughs are sorely needed. In a direct connection to this, my research predicts that transitional or alternative forms of water oxidation in photosynthesis existed early during the evolution of life. Moreover, my research also provides a straightforward path to reconstruct the structure and function of those alternative forms of light-driven water splitting. This is of great interest in the field of artificial photosynthesis, because it can lead to the synthesis of simpler catalysts that could be employed in solar fuel cell technologies. Some of my unpublished results demonstrate that the Photosystem II has not stopped evolving for the past 2.5 billion years, suggesting that its chemistry is still under natural selection, and it is therefore amenable to optimisation and change. This brings hope to the difficult issue of improving the thermodynamic efficiency of photosynthesis by means of genetic engineering. My research suggests interesting, innovative, and original ways to accomplish this.

Finally, it is my life ambition to build a global consortium for the study of natural and artificial photosynthesis and for the development and deployment of photosynthesis-based or photosynthesis-inspired technologies. This global consortium will encompass research profiles ranging from the discovery of novel photosynthetic bacteria to the complete remodelling of the photosynthetic apparatus of food crops; from the synthesis of unconventional and cheap water oxidising catalysts to the construction of hybrid biological and artificial carbon sequestering devices. In this way I would follow the steps of my mentors who have led similar but smaller-scale efforts such as the Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis or the SOLAR-H2 programme of the FP7 solar fuel initiative. I have absolutely no doubt that there is no better place to build the headquarters of this global consortium than the UK. I shall take my next step towards accomplishing this goal by starting to lead my own research group within the next few years here in London. Endorsement by the Royal Society would immensely facilitate my permanence in the UK by allowing me to apply for a Tier 1 exceptional promise visa so that I can continue contributing with my excellence to the advancement of British R&D.